Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Justin & Selena Together Again...?

Justin Bieber went ahead and posted this to his Instagram account last week and then quickly deleted it, but not before someone, a lot of someones, got a screenshot of the picture.  The caption says "Our love is Unconditional" and it is clear that it is Justin because of the "patience" tattoo down his neck. 

So where to begin with these two....hmmm...first off I think that they either need to get back together or really stay away from each other. I understand that it is hard to get over your first love, but sometimes you just have to let go of things that are unhealthy for you. I mean come on Selena you went to rehab to get over Justin, but apparently it didn't work because you always run back to him. 

I don't know with these two, but I don't think that they'll be done with each other for a long time still. They are both still very young and very much in love with each other. It is just sad to see two people who should be so confident struggle with this relationship. Don't get me wrong I actually like them together, but I am just tired of hearing about all of the drama that involves these two.

It's like a never ending soap opera and that is when I feel that it should be time to call it quits, but hey to each their own. I hope that they figure out their mess and either be together or break up. Either way I hope they're happy.

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