Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Billboard Music Awards 2014

The Billboard Music Awards aired last Sunday (5/18) and it seems that this was the year of bright colors and daring fashion.  With new trends starting from some of the most ridiculous things, like Amber Rose's visor inspired sunglasses.  Since summer is upon us already in Southern California bright colors and shiny things are in.  Some stars had hits and others had misses.  This year seems to be the year that the critics are having a hard time unanimously agreeing on those hit and misses.  This is my opinion of some of the red carpet fashion:

Best Dressed

Jennifer Lopez looks fierce in this sheer, red dress by Donna Karan. It's eye catching and reminiscent of her 2000 Grammy Awards green Versace dress. It's amazing that she still has such an amazing body. Perfect JLo style.

Rehab did Kesha good. She looks absolutely beautiful and healthy in this Ines Di Santo dress. This is the most put together I have seen Kesha...ever and if she keeps this up I could see her becoming a fashion icon. She is a risk taker and sometimes it really pays off. 

Nicki Minaj has come a long way from the crazy, wig wearing rapper we were first introduced to. In this Alexander McQueen dress she looks sophisticated and elegant. I know that is weird to say considering it has a cut out bodice, but she looks great. She has an amazing body and she should show it off. She isn't too over the top or too over done. It is a good classic look.

I really dig Kylie Jenner's new punk, edgy look.  I think her new blue 'do goes good with the all white ensemble. I admit the white dress is a bit risque for a 16-year-old, but it works for her. She could have worn better shoes. I don't think they kill the outfit but they don't make it either.

John Legend is known for making the hearts of women everywhere melt with his romantic ballads and in this outfit he is making my heart swoon. I love his Gucci jacket and shirt and he wears it so well.  Lucky Chrissy.

Carrie Underwood tried to stick to her classic look, with a little bit of risk mixed in there with this Oriett Domenech dress. Even though I am not a fan of the color, I do appreciate the dress for what it is. The silver bodice is my favorite part and I think the most flattering park of the dress.

Kendall Jenner should take a note and realize this is how you make a statement. Amber, in my opinion, is dressed better than Wiz. I love her Moncler Lunnets sunglasses, even if they remind me of a certain ridiculous visor that was so popular for all of 15 minutes. I think they both push the envelope with fashion, but stay true to what is them and what works for them. 

Worst Dressed

In this Georges Hobeika Signature dress Miranda Lambert looks like she should be going to a club. I like the color, but I do not like the weird cut out in the middle. I understand she wants to show off her new slim body, but I just don't think this was the dress to do it in. 

 We get it Kendall, you are an adult now and you want to take risks with your fashion and show the world that you are the model you claim to be, but this outfit is not flattering. I am so tired of all of the talk of Kendall's side boobs. This Olcay Glusen jumpsuit just looks funny on her. The halter top is a bit bizarre. I think she could have worn something else that would have made her look more "high fashion".

Chrissy should have taken the queue from her husband on this one. I love the length of this Fyodor Golan dress, but I just feel like everything else just isn't working.  Her harsh bangs do not flatter her face. I think the dress isn't flattering for her frame. She should give all of it back to the store she got it from. 

Kelly Rowland tried something a bit more edgy and sexy with this Cushnie et Ochs top and Fausto Puglisi bottom. I feel like the top looks too cut up. It isn't flattering, it could be on someone else maybe. She's newly married and feeling sexy, good for her, but she could have worn something less bizarre on top to bring the sexy.

Iggy. Iggy. Iggy. Good thing you had Nick Young on your arm Sunday night.  This Zuhair Murad dress makes her look older. The color is flattering with her skin tone and her hair nicely compliments the dress, but I can't get over the fact that it looks so old lady ish.  The lace accents should have done just that, accented, but I feel like it pulls away from the look of the dress and draws the eye more to that then the actual dress. I don't think it did her any justice.

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