Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Amanda Bynes Shares Diagnosis

Amanda  Bynes has tweeted about her mental illness diagnosis since she has been released from her involuntary psychiatric hold. Early Tuesday morning Bynes tweeted:

"I was diagnosed bi - polar and manic depressive so I'm on medication and I'm seeing my psychologist and psychiatrist weekly so I'm fine :D"

Her tweets continued on to say:

"I'm not living with my parents. I'm not legally obligated to. My lawyer said if I comply with the courts and take my meds and see my psychologist and psychiatrist weekly then i will get unconserved. Thank GOD."

It was just last month that Bynes seemed to go off the deep end again. She tweeted about her father allegedly abusing her physically, verbally, and sexually.  Even though she later retracted that tweet and stated that her father had never done those things it was clear to everyone that something just wasn't right with her anymore. Especially when the last tweet came out about the microchip in her brain: "The microchip in my brain made me say those things but he's the one that ordered them to microchip me." Shortly after she deleted that tweet too.

It wasn't long after that that Bynes was entered into an involuntary physiatrist hold. She has since left the facility in Pasadena and has been seen a lot at Mel's Drive In in Hollywood.

We're just going to have to wait and see what happens to her now. It is so crazy and sad to see how far she has seemed to fall. I love every movie that she has done. She always seemed so down to earth and then to see her fall apart like this and become the butt of jokes is really sad. I hope that she gets the help that she needs as soon as possible. 

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