Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Robin Thicke is getting Creeeepy!!

So as we all know Robin Thicke and wife, Paula Patton, have been separated for some time now, but it doesn't mean that it's over. Robin is trying to win her back with bold moves and I must say they are creepy moves. First, he released a song called "Get Her Back", then he named his new album "Paula", which all the songs are about her and how he wants her back, and just yesterday he released the video for "Get Her Back" and I just don't even know how to deal with it. 

The whole video is him singing to a woman, who looks a lot like Paula, while little text message bloops pop up on the screen. When reading the messages I started to wonder if he is admitting that he did really cheat on her and that is why she left him. There were all of those pesky rumors (and photographs) going around of Robin and his wondering eye, but it didn't seem like it was affecting the couple. Paula was standing by her man...until suddenly she wasn't. 

The couple had been together since they were both in their early teens, so it came as a shock to the world when another Hollywood couple called it quits. Right? I thought they were going to work. They've been together forever and are both so good looking, I thought this was for sure going to work. I also didn't think that their separation was going to last this long, so they just keep proving me wrong. 

But anyways, at the end of the video the little bloop reads "This is only the beginning", which makes me nervous. Robin we get that you want your wife back, but maybe these bold gestures are just freaking her out, the way they are everyone else. Personally I wouldn't want my business splashed out there anymore than it had to be. Maybe you should just try to win her back by toning down the creepy and sticking to the small gestures that mean something, instead of these big over the top gestures for the world. Who are you really trying to convince? Your wife that you want her back or the world that you're a good guy who wants his wife back? 

Here's the video. Give it a watch. Let me know what you think of Robin's gestures. Are they too over the top? Do you think they're creepy? Or do you think he is just genuinely sorry and wants his family back?

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