Friday, June 6, 2014

It's Over!!

After 18 years of marriage Melanie Griffith filed for divorce from husband, Antonio Banderas, today.  The reason cited for the divorce is irreconcilable differences and Griffith is seeking spousal support from Banderas. The couple have one daughter together, Stella, who will turn 18 in the fall.

The couple met and started a relationship on the set of their movie Two Much, while both were still married to other people. She was married to Don Johnson and he was married to Ana Leza. Still the two apparently couldn't deny their love for each other and got married in London one month after their divorces were finalized. 

And today it has all come to an end. There are only two ways this divorce can go, quick and easy or hard and drawn out. It will be interesting to see which way this couple chooses to take this. We will be watching...

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