Friday, June 6, 2014

Another "Secret" Album?

I don't know if any of you have heard the rumor going around that there is a major musical superstar set to drop an album Beyonce style. That's right one secret album wasn't enough for the world and I agree! We want more! 

I for some reason go with the thinking that if you are going to release an album without any of your audience or fans knowledge, no publicity, no singles annoying everyone on the radio, then it better be a damn good album.

So far the only person to pull off such a crazy act has been Beyonce and I say who better do it. That album shocked the world! Sounds dramatic but it did. Everyone went nuts for it. It became the best selling album in a matter of minutes. To make it even crazier, the whole thing was music videos. When you bought the album, Beyonce, on iTunes it was all music videos. When does she have time to do all of this?!

Still who is this new superstar  set to follow in the steps of the queen herself? Hmmmm....rumors are saying Rihanna, others are saying it's Beyonce again. Only time will tell, but these are my top contenders:

None other than our bad girl herself, Rihanna! Here's why:
- She's Rihanna
- She is Jay-Z's protege and Jay is Bey's husband....
- It's been 2 years since her last album, Unapologetic, dropped
- We've all heard the rumor that she has hundreds, if not thousands of songs, already recorded in her vault just waiting to be released
- She seems like the perfect person to be able to pull something off
- She has been drawing a lot of attention and publicity to herself, for good reasons


This picture is worth a thousand words. Kanye reportedly sent out over 225 of these postcards to radio stations and television programs.
- First things first, you can't release a secret album, Bey style, by promoting it first. 
- Secondly, he should know better and understand that this is going to end up on social media. Still he will probably get mad that the album wasn't released as secretly as he wanted and blame the people who he sent the postcards to and their integrity. 

It looks like we are going to have to wait until June 10th to find out who it is and what is going on. My money is on Kayne West right now. He's on his high from marrying Kim Kardashian and he is in the media a lot right now too. 

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