Friday, June 27, 2014

Shia LaBeouf gets Arrested!

Considering that he doesn't want to be famous anymore or have any attention on him actor Shia LaBeouf sure knows how to draw attention to himself. The actor was arrested Thursday evening in New York City. He was taking in a showing of Cabaret inside Studio 54 when he started becoming disruptive during act one of the performance. Security then escorted him out during intermission where things got even more heated and the police were called. It was after the police arrived that LaBeouf became even more belligerent and started yelling at the cops, "F**k you. This is f**king bullsh*t. Do you know my life. Do you know who the f**k I am? Do you know who I am?" Flashback to Reese Witherspoon and when she was arrested for DUI after yelling similar statements at an officer.

Don't these celebrities ever learn? No the officers probably don't know who are you and if they do they don't care enough to let you go. So stop shouting at them and asking them if they know who you are. You aren't the president or a king or queen, you're an actor, and just because you are an actor doesn't mean you get a free pass at breaking the law.

LaBeouf was released Friday morning around 10am after being charged with 2 counts of disorderly conduct and 1 count of criminal trespassing. He is set to appear in court on July 24th. 

Who knows maybe he is mad that they decided to keep making the Transformer movie series without him. Maybe he's mad because Mark Wahlberg is in it. Maybe he's happy and was celebrating because it is already getting bad reviews. Or maybe he is just being Shia LaBeouf. Maybe he is another child turned adult actor that we should be concerned about. 

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