Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Maya Angelou has passed away...

It is a sad day for millions all around the world. World renowned poet and author Maya Angelou (86 years old) has passed away. Angelou passed away at her home in Winston-Salem, North Carolina.  Aside from being a poet and an author Angelou was also a professor, activist, actress, singer, and dancer. Her most well known, highest praised, book is I Know Why The Caged Bird Sings.

In 2010 President Obama bestowed on her the Medal of Freedom, the highest honor a civilian can receive. Angelou can count herself as one of the greatest writers of her time, if not the greatest.  The world was a better place with her in it and her legacy will always live on through her tremendous strides in literature and human rights. She helped define a generation and helped give a voice to the voiceless.  This is truly a huge loss to the world. 

Forever in our hearts. Rest in peace...

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